For all knows, Reading is a tool a person gets information from written letters and words. A person can read using sight or sight or touch, such as when a vision - impaired reads Braille- method.
Reading is actually a complex, multi- part process.
Reading in classroom takes many forms, but it is often used as way of introducing grammar or vocabulary items.
At the most basic level reading is the recognition of words from simple recognition of the individual letters and how these letters form a particular word to what each word means not just on an individual, but as part of a text.
We can say that reading is one of the very important element of education. Understanding what we are reading is a key and is certainly the main point of teaching reading in a class.
According to the authors of English Expressway Book; "Reading is fundamental to function in todays society, it is a vital skill in finding a good job and is important because it develop one's mind.
It is a magical thinking to believe Janet Emig (1983) Viewpoint of teaching that , " The pupils learned because we teach" and one of the important skills that needs to be developed in children is Reading. It can open up new worlds and enrich live.
In most cases , there will be no special regulations involved on earth it is generic, practical or theoretical. Perhaps, reading is important because words - spoken and written are the building blocks of life. You are now the result of words that you learned as read.
May 2011 enrollment , every Grade I - Teacher in every school conducted the school Reading Assessment (SRA) for Grade I entrants. The objective of this program is to determine the reading readiness level of the child.
Part of this activity, we teachers, can easily identify pupils, in there particular domain which they can failed to exhibit / perform.
Pablo M. Piatos Sr. Elementary School teachers conducted from grade two to six the class reading Pre-test for both Silent and Oral reading for English and Filipino subject last August 1 to 5, 2011.
September 26 to 30, 2011 after the eight - week curriculum ended last week of August, immediately the grade one teachers have the Pre- test in Reading for Oral and Silent in English and Filipino subject to their pupils.
The pupils from Grade I-VI conducted reading last November 25, 2011, which was Araw ng Pagbasa. Some teachers used the DEAR Program ( Drop Everything And Read) and Story telling / Reading.
Last December 2011, and January 14, 2012, (Mrs.) Jocelyn Ontuca District Guidance conducted Reading Test to all grade one pupils in Pablo M. Piatos Sr. ES. Based on the consolidated Report result for all reading rest being conducted most of the grade one pupils failed to perform read, some of the grade II to VI were not able to read with comprehension, mostly of the pupils falls on frustration level and independent level of readers from grade one to six.
Last September 29-30, 2011 was the district Read- A- Thon held at Daniel M. Perez Central ES, Bunawan District Level. Luckily, among the ten schools in Bunawan District , P.M. Piatos Sr. ES participants got the 3rd in rank for quiz bee based on the story reading materials given. It was trained and coach by Mrs. Remedios Orit, grade IV teachers, the participants are all grade four pupils.
To be an effective English or Filipino Teachers and a reading Teacher as well. The following seminars were attended by the PMPSES teachers:
1. Emergent and Beginning Reading Training - Workshop for Grade 1, 2 and Preschool teachers held at Daniel M. Perez CES Bunawan District last May 26 and 27, 2011.
2. District Workshop on Emergent Reading and Reading recovery held at DMPCES, Bunawan District, Davao City last October 8 and 15,2011.
3. MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND EVALUATION held last October 26-28, 2011 at Felipe Calderon ES, Bunawan District, Davao City, Division. The said seminar were facilitator by the different speakers from different schools in with the Bunawan District Administrator, emphasized learning competencies for effective teaching. The specific skills constituting this competencies shall developed in communication situations using many and varied materials to the point of mastery and of course the main purpose of those seminars are for pupils development in reading.
This narrative report tells our experiences during school, district activities / seminars for Reading Program. The knowledge, learning or insights, the experiences and learning we got is truly remarkable.
From these gestures, we the Reading Team / Teachers experience how to handle and adjust different personalities, characters, the comprehension level of our pupils, we could say that in dealing children we should be fair enough and have more patient for the slow learners. Through this experiences we have develop interest, loyalty and preserverance to teach our pupil to read to eradicate non readers in class.
From all the experiences derived through teaching reading, we can conclude that these experiences played a great help to the reading teachers both personal and social development in teaching.
To have fair treatment with pupils, one can develop a whole some personality and strength the good relationship being established with them. By using visual aid or audio visual and also using the reading center with the Reading Instructional devices, the presentation of the lessons the pupils attention can be easily caught and deliver the lesson every well.
Teach with a smile, develop good rapport to children, don't let them feel resistant to approach us teacher. Encourage them to feel free to participate reading activities.
Based on the preceding observations the following actions are recommended:
A. Administrators / Head Teacher / School - In- Charge must:
1. Support the reading - Teachers' need in terms of facilities, reading materials and sent teachers for seminars in developing communication skills both English and Filipino.
2. Encourage parents to be a part of Reading Program by conducting also a seminar for parents with in the school level.
3. Recognized the efforts of Reading - Teachers. Give encouragements and motivation for them be more inspired and confident on the efforts she/he has made.
B. The Reading Teachers' must:
1. Update themselves with the modern techniques, methods and strategies in teaching reading with comprehension:
2. Give ample chance and encourage pupils to articulate their ideas in class ( ex. story retelling, debate or smart - talking).
3. Exert Effort to assist the slow learners:
4. Have a peer- tutoring sessions.
5. Develop the pupils, ability to answer why and how questions or HOTS.
6. Most of all have the heart of being a mother to pupils to guide them to read well and develop reading skills.